October 30, 2022 – Your Sins Are Forgiven

Genesis 30, Mark 2, Romans 2

In Mark chapter 2 some friends take a paralyzed man to Jesus. There was a huge crowd gathered around the house were Jesus was, so the men couldn’t get their friend to him. These guys were problem solvers. They didn’t let the massive crowd stop them. They went up on the roof and dug a hole to lower the man down in front of Jesus. It impressed him.

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” Mark2:5NIV That statement, of course, caused a stir with the religious leaders. Jesus verified his authority to forgive sins by healing the man. The crowd was amazed and everyone praised God.

What is interesting to consider, is Jesus’ statement “Son, your sins are forgiven.” What did Jesus mean by that? Your sins against God are forgiven? Your sins against anyone up to that point are forgiven? I think Jesus meant something far more comprehensive than that.

I believe Jesus meant he was doing away with sin with his death on the cross, so he could forgive everyone’s sins. Jesus could have been meaning all sins because in Psalms 51:4 it says all sins are against God.“Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight; so you are right in your verdict and justified when you judge.” Therefore, as God incarnate, Jesus sacrificial death, covered all sins, because all sin is against God.

However, he could have just meant that his death on the cross was going to cover all sins against God and all the sins we commit against each other. Either way, I believe Jesus meant all of the man’s sins were forgiven… past, present, future… those against God, and against his fellow man.

Consider this warning in the Gospel of Matthew from Jesus, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew6:1415NIV

I believe Jesus’ death on the cross gave him the authority to forgive all sins, ours against God and ours against each other. Maybe God won’t forgive us when we won’t forgive others because our refusal to forgive others is really a refusal to see Christ’s full offering for all sins.

Others don’t have to pay for their sins against you, because Christ died once for all. See Christ’s full offering for sin. Forgive others so God will forgive you!


Lord Jesus, thank you for coming at just the right time to pay the price for all sin! Help me to embrace the complete work you did on the cross in forgiving my sins, and all the sins of every person in the world. Lord, help me to remember that others don’t have to do anything for me to forgive them because your death also covered their sins against me. Amen.

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