December 31, 2022 – Leviticus 1 – Identified With Christ

Leviticus 1, Matthew 1, Colossians 3

Some churches want to deemphasize the blood of Christ. They think people don’t understand it. They think too much talk of blood will be offensive and some people won’t come to their churches. That may be true, but the solution is not to deemphasize the atoning blood of Christ. Rather, it is to help people understand why it is so important.

There has been some speculation about the origins of blood atonement. Some have suggested it goes all the way back to the garden of Eden and the original sin. In Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve realized they were naked after their sin, they tried to cover themselves with leaves. God made garments of skin for Adam and Eve to cover themselves. In order for there to be garments of skin, another animal had to die. Perhaps this was where the concept of atonement began. They did begin to die slowly, but the Lord did not immediately destroy them for their sin. Some have suggested that the animal that was killed to make their garments of skin was a lamb.

In Leviticus 1, Moses is being instructed about the system of atonement that the Lord set up for the people to be clean in his presence. “If the offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you are to offer a male without defect.” Leviticus1:3NIV  A male without defect from your herd… these qualifiers point to the future when God’s own perfect Son would make atonement for all humanity.

“You are to lay your hand on the head of the burnt offering, and it will be accepted on your behalf to make atonement for you.” Leviticus1:4NIV  Laying their hand on the animal’s head was a way of identifying themselves with the animal that was dying for their sin. We identify ourselves with Christ, who shed his blood for our sin. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” Galatians2:20NIV

One other thing took place when making atonement for sin in the Old Testament. The person being atoned for, slaughtered the animal. “You are to slaughter the young bull before the Lord…” Leviticus1:5NIV  In our identification with Christ, although the Roman soldiers literally nailed Jesus to the Cross, we recognize that through our sinfulness, we nailed him to the cross.

The atoning blood of Christ is important. We need to learn to recognize it’s importance. Rather than shunning it, we need to identify with Christ through it, and rejoice that it covered our sin, once for all!


Lord Jesus, thank you for your perfect life! Thank you for taking my place on the cross. Help me to live everyday for you as I identify myself with you through your atoning death and resurrection! Amen.

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