January 3, 2023 – Leviticus 5, – Unintentional Sin

Leviticus 4, Matthew 4, 1 Thessalonians 2

We all sin. Sometimes we do that intentionally. We think about it. We know full well the thing we have committed ourselves to do and are doing is a sin, yet we do it anyway.

There are other times when we sin unintentionally. We didn’t plan to. We didn’t think about it. Without even realizing it, we sin.

In reading Leviticus 5, we realize several things. First, everyone sins unintentionally. Second, although we didn’t mean to do this or that, unintentional sin is still serious. It can hurt you, others, or your relationship with God. Lastly, unintentional sin, even though it was unintentional, still needs to be recognized and repented of. “…when anyone becomes aware that they are guilty in any of these matters, they must confess in what way they have sinned.” Leviticus5:5NIV

Even though we all sin, and sometimes unintentionally,  we cannot take sin lightly. We cannot make excuses for it and ignore it. When we realize what has happened, we have to recognize it and repent of it.


Lord, Thank you for the blood of Jesus that covers my sin! Help me to be careful not to sin, and when I realize that I have sinned, help me to confess and repent of it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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