January 10, 2023 – Matthew 11 – Yoked with Christ

Leviticus 11, Matthew 11, 1 Timothy 1

As a follower of Jesus, I try to learn from him. Jesus was a rabbi. He taught the 12 disciples that followed him everywhere he went. He also drew crowds with his miracles and his teachings. I read his teachings and I contemplate on them. I pray about them and the Holy Spirit helps me understand meaning. One of the interesting things about reading the Bible is that you can read it over and over and the Holy Spirit keeps teaching you new things with what you’ve read.

Another thing the scripture does is give us historical events in the life of Jesus. In the Bible we read about how Jesus was baptized. We see how he interacted with the people who came to him. We see how he responded to persecution and praise. The historical events of the life of Jesus give us examples of how to live our lives. We can see what Jesus did and incorporate those behaviors into our lives to live as he did.

At the end of Matthew 11, Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew11:2830NIV

We hear in these verses that being yoked means learning. From our perspective as post resurrection Christians we understand that to mean reading the Bible to understand the teachings and example of Christ. However, this word picture Jesus gave us includes more. A yoke is used to put two oxen together to pull a load. They walk closely together. From this we understand that Christ not only teaches us as we read the Bible, he teaches us as he helps us bear the burdens of life.

Through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we are yoked with Christ. We are not alone. Daily Jesus walks by our side and teaches us as he helps us bear the burdens of life!


Lord Jesus, thank you for being by my side as I go through life. When I feel alone and overwhelmed remind me that you are yoked with me, helping me bear my burdens. Amen.

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