January 11, 2023 – 1 Timothy 2 – God Wants All People to be Saved

Leviticus 12, Matthew 12, 1 Timothy 2

There has always been intense competition between our political parties. If you talk to some older folks, they can tell you of political corruption… vote buying, ballot boxes ending up in the bottom of lakes, and opponent smear campaigns… that would make your jaw drop. Our political system, both sides and even the minor parties in the middle, seem to have embraced a win at all costs mentality. The end justifies the means and so on. That leaves Christians having to try to align themselves with the lesser of two evils. You would think since we read the same book, the Bible, we would all identify with the party that most aligns with it’s teaching. Instead, you find well-meaning, sincere Christians in both of the main parties and everywhere in between.

One thing that I can remember hearing back as far as George W. Bush, is the phrase, “he’s not my president.” I think I first heard the Dixie Chicks say it of Bush. You may not agree with the president or with this or that politician’s policies, you may not particularly like the person or their past. However, we are told that we are supposed to pray for the person. In fact, there are probably lots of people we don’t like, but according to the Apostle Paul, we are to pray for everyone.

In 1 Timothy 2, Paul says, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 1 Timothy2:12NIV  One reason to pray for people is that we are engaged in spiritual warfare. Our fight is not against flesh and blood… so we need to pray to bring down satanic strongholds and the influence those have in peoples’ lives.

Another reason to pray is because, God wants to save everyone. Paul says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” 1 Timothy2:3-4 NIV We pray to pull down spiritual strongholds and influences. We also pray for everyone so that all people will see God actively at work bringing them to salvation.

It is easy to pray for friends and loved ones. As we think about those we dislike and disagree with, let’s begin praying for all people by praying that God would help us to see them as he sees us… a person he loves and wants to save. Let’s pray for ourselves, that when we are tempted to loathe, that God would remind us to pray for them.


God, thank you for saving me, and your desire to save all people. Help me to pray for all people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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