February 3 2023 – Hebrews 12 – What is Faith?

Jesus tells those who follow him to have faith and if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. What exactly did he mean by that? What is faith and how do you have it and how do you grow it?

Throughout the Bible we see many examples of people of faith. In Hebrews 12, sometimes called the faith hall of fame, we see many real life examples of what faith is. The author of Hebrews defines faith and gives many examples to verify what he means.

According to the author, “…faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”Hebrews11:1NASB1995  Therefore we understand that faith is what we have been led to hope for through the Holy Spirit and the conviction, again, through the Holy Spirit, that what we hope for is and will be a reality. He gives several examples of people who were led to hope for something. They believed God and stepped out in faith to respond to that hope. God rewarded their faith by fulfilling what he led them to hope for.

Just for further clarification no amount of believing will obligate God to reward us with what he has not led us to hope for. I may hope to win the lottery, but if God did not lead me to hope for that, then it is just hope born out of my desire to be rich. I may completely believe that I can and will win the lottery. However, if I did win, it wouldn’t be a reward for my faith, because God did not lead me to hope for it. Rather, it would just be a fortunate coincidence.

The author of Hebrews also says, “And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” Hebrews11:6NASB1995  We actually please God, we make him happy when we come to him with our petitions, our wants, and desires.

In the back and forth of prayer, and it is a back and forth… you talk to God, and in your spirit, the Spirit of God talks to you, God sifts through the things you ask for and leads you to hope for the things that are in accordance with his will. Don’t worry about asking for something that is too big or too small. You will begin to realize in your spirit what God is leading you to hope for. You will be certain about the things God is leading you to hope for, just as certain that Abraham and Sarah were that God planned to give them a child. They weren’t sure when or how, but they were sure God planned to do it. God will give you that assurance too and lead you to step out in faith to respond to that hope.

In our conversations with God we are given hope. We are called to step out in faith. God is pleased when we ask, and when we respond by stepping out in faith. He rewards those who seek him and who respond to the hope he inspires by faith.


Almighty God, thank you for communing with me in my spirit. Help me to hear and understand the hope you are calling me to. Help me to embrace it as real as the world I see around me. Help me to overcome any hesitations I may have and step out in faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. I had originally intended to get these out each day at 4:30 AM, however that has not been the case. My apologies to those who are frustrated with the midday devotion this has turned out to be. Also, these devotions are posted on my website, https://beingachildofgod.com/. If you want to revisit any of them you can find them all there. Thank you for reading and for your encouragement!

One thought on “February 3 2023 – Hebrews 12 – What is Faith?

  1. I always held that simple faith is enough. No need to complicate it with a lot of flowery words and you message was spot on for me.


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